Privacy Policy

pursuant to Article 13 of the European Regulation 2016/679 'GDPR'.


This policy describes the personal data we collect when you use this website ( lists the purposes for which the data is used and the rights you have as a data subject.

It does not refer to other processing operations carried out or described as a result of browsing Internet sites that can be reached through links that may be present on this Website.

Please note that Davines does not process the personal data of minors through the Website. Therefore, despite the fact that the contents of the Website may potentially be viewed by minors, please note that when filling out the Request Form located on the "Contact Us" page, no personal data should be entered by minors and/or in relation to minors without the prior consent of their parents or guardians. Davines encourages all parents and guardians to instruct minors in the safe and responsible use of their personal data on the Internet. Davines conserve and knowingly does not process any personal data that may be entered into the form by minors for any purpose, including disclosure to third parties.

Click on each paragraph in this information sheet to find out all the details concerning your personal data.


With reference to the personal data collected through this Website, the Data Controller is Davines S.p.A., in the person of its legal representative, with registered office in Via Don Angelo Calzolari 55/A - Roncopascolo, 43126 - Parma - PR (hereinafter, also 'Davines' or 'Data Controller').
You can contact the data controller by calling 0521-965611 and/or writing to the e-mail address:


The Data Controller has appointed a Data Protection Officer whom you may contact by e-mail at whenever you think and/or suspect that data processing is not carried out in compliance with the relevant regulations or violates your rights and/or freedoms.



Type of data processed: the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used to connect to the Website, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user's operating system and computer environment.

Purpose and legal basis: data are automatically acquired by technical and necessary cookies installed to enable web browsing; to carry out aggregate statistical analyses aimed at measuring the proper functioning of the Website and, in the event of computer crimes to the detriment of the Website, to ascertain possible liability.
The legal basis legitimizing the processing of this data is the legitimate interest of the Data Controller in ensuring the proper functioning of the Website and the services available, as well as in the investigation of possible offences.

Data retention time: data are normally retained for short periods of time, as set out in more detail in the Cookie Policy, with the exception of possible extensions related to survey activities. In addition to the cookies necessary for navigation, we may install other types of cookies that will allow us to capture additional data relating to your location and your browsing experience in general. Where necessary, we will only process your data with your prior consent via the cookie panel. For more details, please read our Cookie Policy.


Type of data processed:we may collect some of your data through the form in the "Contact Us" section of the Website (first name, last name, e-mail, country of origin, order number and/or any other data specifically indicated in the form) and/or through any contact details indicated on our Website.The data required as compulsory for sending the form are indicated with an asterisk (*), the others are optional and do not preclude the possibility of sending the contact request. Any other information that you voluntarily enter in the message text may also be processed, so please only provide us with the information that you consider necessary.

Purpose and legal basis:personal data are acquired to enable us to collect and manage your requests relating both to an order and/or to products purchased and/or to be purchased (information relating to the status of purchases made, their delivery, any returns/refunds, defects in products received, etc.), and to more general requests for information (relating, for example, to opening hours, salons in your area, initiatives and events, product characteristics, etc.), and, therefore, to offer the best pre- and post-sales support to our customers.The processing of your data, which is carried out on the basis of your request, is therefore necessary to perform the contract of sale and/or purchase of a service or pre-contractual measures taken as a result of your request.

Data retention time: the data collected are usually retained for short periods of time and, in any case, for as long as is strictly necessary to process requests and provide the requested services.


Type of data: through the various contact forms on the Website and dedicated to you as a professional, we may acquire the data specifically indicated in the reference form, including the following data:
- Request reserved for professionals (stylists, salon owners, educators, distributors) (form "I'm a professional"): name, surname, role, e-mail, telephone number, company, address, state/region, city and postcode, message;
- Request to become part of the Davines salon network (form "Become a Davines Salon"): name, surname, email, mobile and landline phone, company affiliation, location, address, country, city and postcode, additional information relating to your business and the Davines world (e.g. website, number of employees, business objectives, etc.).
The data requested as compulsory are indicated with an asterisk (*), the others are optional and do not preclude the possibility of sending the contact request. Any other information you voluntarily enter in the message text may also be processed, so please only provide us with the information you consider necessary.

Purpose and legal basis:personal data are collected to enable us to collect and process your requests and, therefore, to execute pre-contractual and contractual measures taken as a result of your request.
With reference to the second type of form, please note that the relevant data will be used to contact the salon's contact person, initiate the commercial phase and establish whether the salon can be considered eligible to join the Davines network.

Data retention time:
data collected through contact forms are usually retained for short periods of time and, in any case, for as long as is strictly necessary to process requests and provide the requested services.
With reference to the second form, Davines has an interest in keeping all the history of requests and evaluations made with reference to each salon; for this reason, data relating to salons that will not become part of the Davines network will also be kept.


Type of data processed: personal data communicated by voluntarily sending a CV to the e-mail addresses indicated and/or acquired via the 'Carreers' section of the site in response to vacancy notices are collected.
We may also collect data relating to your state of health (e.g. in the case of selection of a person belonging to protected categories) or revealing your racial or ethnic origin (so-called 'special data'). Since this data is highly confidential, we ask you to communicate to us only the information strictly necessary for the purposes of your application.

Purpose and legal basis:
data are used for the sole purpose of enabling personnel search and selection activities. The processing of this data is necessary in order to implement pre-contractual measures. We are also authorised to process 'special data' that you wish to transmit to us, without the need for a declaration of consent from you. For any further details, we invite you to consult the privacy policy dedicated to applications, in the appropriate section.

Data retention time:
data will be retained for eighteen (18) months after it is provided.
Please note that the section dedicated to applications can be found on our corporate website under the link Careers
| Davines Group
where you can consult the full information for candidates.


In relation to the aforesaid purposes, personal data shall be processed by formally authorised and specifically trained Davines' internal resources, using manual and paper-based instruments, as well as computerised and telematic instruments, with logic strictly related to the purposes and, in any case, adopting technical and organisational measures that guarantee a level of security adequate to prevent the risk of destruction, loss, modification and unauthorised disclosure of data or access, accidental or unlawful, to the same.


In order to achieve the above-mentioned purposes, we may need to communicate your data to these categories of persons, outside our authorised internal staff:
- Davines S.p.A. Group Branches: in order to enable you to use our services at all Group branches;
- Davines suppliers (e.g. suppliers of IT services and platforms, consultants, etc.) who collaborate with us for consulting, assistance, maintenance services and who may use your data as "Data Processors" appointed under specific contracts. In this case, we may disclose your data to such third parties, who will act as joint controllers or data processors under specific contractual arrangements. Such use may involve sharing data in order to optimise and customise our promotional campaigns on various networks. If you would like to know any further details about our relationship with these third parties and/or to receive a list of our Data Processors, please send a written request to the contact details indicated in this policy;
- The data may be made available to parties who are entitled to access them by virtue of provisions of the law, regulations or European legislation, within the limits and for the purposes provided for by those provisions (debt collection companies, insurance agencies, public authorities).
In no other way will the data be disseminated.


We make every effort to protect your data and do not regularly transfer data outside the European Union, unless the transfer is necessary for the correct assignment to the territorially competent distributor of the service due to the nature of the service requested. In any case, should it become necessary to transfer personal data to countries outside the EU, in order to guarantee the services offered, this will be done in accordance with Article 44 et seq. of the GDPR, by putting in place appropriate means to ensure adequate data protection guarantees.


On our Website there are social buttons/widgets, i.e. those particular 'buttons' depicting the icons of social networks (e.g. Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter). These 'buttons' allow users who are browsing our Website to be directed directly to the social network by simply clicking the desired 'button'. If the user then logs in to the selected social network, the latter will acquire the data relating to the visit made by the user on our Website.


You can exercise your rights under the GDPR regarding your personal data by writing to We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in any event no later than thirty days from receipt of your report. In certain cases, we will ask you for a copy of an identification document if, in connection with your request, it is necessary to verify your identity. In particular, you may exercise the following rights, where applicable:
- Right of access, i.e. the right to know whether personal data concerning you is being processed and, if confirmed, to obtain a copy of such data and to be informed about: the source of the data, the categories of personal data processed, the recipients of the data, the purposes of the processing, the existence of automated decision making (including profiling), the data retention period, the rights under the GDPR;
- Right to have your data corrected or supplemented;
- Right to obtain the deletion of personal data if such data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, or if we are no longer authorised to process them;
- Right to obtain restriction of the processing of personal data in the following cases: i) you have contested the accuracy of the personal data. You may request a restriction of the processing for the period necessary to verify the accuracy of the data; ii) we are no longer authorised to process the data, and instead of deleting it, you may ask us to restrict its use; iii) if the personal data in our possession, although no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, is necessary for you to establish, exercise or defend a right in court;
- Right to data portability, i.e. the right to receive personal data concerning you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, as well as the right to request that such data be transmitted to another data controller;
- Right to withdraw consent, for processing based on it;
- Right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data based on our legitimate interest.
You also have the right to write to the appointed DPO and/or lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority if you consider that the processing of your data contravenes the provisions of the GDPR.


We use cookies in some areas of the Website. We ask you to read the Cookie Policy, which should be consulted in conjunction with this notice.

We reserve the right to update the content of this policy from time to time. We encourage you to consult this policy regularly in order to keep up to date with any changes that have occurred since your last consultation.

Last updated: 10 April 2024